founder of MegaUpload was allowed to get more of his seized funds in New
Zealand. Kim Dotcom will receive millions to pay his legal expenses and
extra $128,000 per month to pay mansion rent, buy grocery cover staff,
security and other expenses.
In February 2015, Kim Dotcom came to court to ask for money to cover living expenses and pay his legal fees. Previously, Kim Dotcom was given about $15,000 per month to live on, but this was not enough for him. So, the recent ruling is largely good news for Kim Dotcom, with the judge also reviewing objections by authorities that he has funds in a trust that he could use. The judge ruled that the major asset of Dotcom's trust was its shareholding in Mega Ltd, but he couldn’t sell those shares until the planned listing of Mega. As a result, the judge decided that Dotcom does not have the ability to meet his legal and reasonable living expenses. Taking into consideration that Dotcom still owes his lawyers about $1.5m, the judge decided that Dotcom would need between $1.5m and $3m to fight against extradition. This money will be granted to him from currently restrained government bonds.
The judge also considered Kim’s needs to cover family’s accommodation costs ($60,000 per month) and his claims for such items as security, staff wages and other general expenses. Kim Dotcom currently has 8 staff in his mansion, but the judge ruled that 5 people would be enough and granted $19,000 per month for staff. He will also get $11,000 for grocery.
Overall, Kim Dotcom was awarded his legal fees and $128,000 per month to cover living expenses pending the expiry of the lease on his mansion (2016). Apparently, the position will be reviewed afterwards.
Thanks to TorrentFreak for providing the source of the article.