01 September 2013

Software Defined Networking

New Networking technology which opening up inner resource to upper Applicationsupporting software programmable control

SDN’s key features

Separation of control plane and data plane

make  SDN-based infrastructure networks more flexible, intelligent and adaptive to changes.

Network resource openness

enable infrastructure network providers to make new revenue through opening their networks to third party service providers in a win-win collaboration.

Decoupling of hardware and software

make it much easier to introduce new technologies to infrastructure networks and make network equipment more affordable to help boost the widespread  deployment of broadband networks.


Is this the happiest flower in the world ;~)

Is this the happiest flower in the world? Ophrys apifera is a hardy species of orchid found commonly in the Mediterranean region. Referring to that dark red monobrow it has there, 'Ophrys' derives from the Greek word 'ophrys', meaning "eyebrow", while the Latin word 'apifera' refers to the bee-shaped lip. For this reason, the flower is often called the bee orchid.
Photo: Is this the happiest flower in the world? Ophrys apifera is a hardy species of orchid found commonly in the Mediterranean region. Referring to that dark red monobrow it has there, 'Ophrys' derives from the Greek word 'ophrys', meaning "eyebrow", while the Latin word 'apifera' refers to the bee-shaped lip. For this reason, the flower is often called the bee orchid. 

Image: Hans Hillewaert; Wikimedia