29 October 2014

Cybercrime Can Be Reported by Mouse Click in Australia


According to the government program that is expected to be unveiled soon, reporting online crime could be as easy as clicking a mouse. The reports are that the national police information agency called Crimtrac is finishing the scheme dubbed the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network, or Acorn.

The statistics said that cybercrime affects about 5.4 million Australians annually, and the losses incurred amount to $1 billion. It is not a secret that the criminals become more and more sophisticated and increasingly use global networks.
A few days ago, CrimTrac CEO told a parliamentary inquiry that the new Acorn scheme, which is expected to be launched “shortly”, is supposed to complement the work already done by the agency. At the moment, the agency holds, on behalf of all police forces, the national fingerprint and DNA collections, along with an 8.7 million-record police report database and national child offender records.
The Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network will enable the Aussie citizens to securely report cybercrime online, via a website form. There are many types of matters that people can report to the agency: suspicious texts, emails or phone calls that may trick them into giving away their personal or banking information, a computer virus attack or even online bullying. The agency will also be possible to report the discovery of unauthorized, banned or “objectionable” material on the Internet.

It will be up to the police to determine which particular matters to investigate. The support with intelligence gathering will be provided with the Australian Crime Commission, while the consideration is also being given to a “tech crime offenders registry”.

The Untouchables Worried about Phones They Can’t Search

The FBI seems to be worried about Apple and Google’s smartphones that can’t be searched. According to James Comey, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, the agency is “concerned” over Apple and Google marketing smartphones as they cannot be searched by law enforcement. This would force the FBI to investigate criminals like the old days. 
James Comey claimed that both Apple and Google are marketing their products expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law. The FBI confirmed that the bureau has contacted both companies to find out “what they’re thinking and why they think it makes sense”.
It is weird that the FBI can’t grasp that the phone makers have moved to encryption following the NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance from the National Security Agency. For example, Apple announced the enhanced encryption for its new iOS 8, saying that the new operating system makes it impossible for the company to decrypt a locked device – even under the law enforcement request.
Android’s encryption was optional, but it actually works in a similar manner. Google has also announced that in its upcoming Android L release, the encryption will be enabled by default. However, it is clear that the real ability for the tech giants to keep the spooks out of communication is rather limited. Google and Apple store data on the cloud, and the information can be obtained using a court order. The security experts point out that in most cases, encryption can only protect users from individuals trying to snoop in on a stolen or resold device, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation can easily get a warrant for data on anyone’s phone or for data stored in the cloud connected to anyone’s account.

76m Households Suffered from JP Morgan Data Breach

JP Morgan Chase bank, one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, announced last week that a massive computer hack affected the accounts of about 76 million households plus 7 million small businesses. This number of people and businesses suffered made it one of the largest hacks ever discovered.

The bank admitted that the attack lasted for almost a month before it was discovered in the middle of summer. The event was disclosed two months ago, and JP Morgan estimated at the time that about 1 million accounts had been compromised. However, the estimations proved wrong, as it turned out that the attack was much more serious than expected.

JP Morgan pointed out that the financial data didn’t leak, and that there had been no breach of login information, including account or SSNs, passwords or dates of birth. The hackers stole the names, email addresses, addresses and phone numbers of account holders.

Thus far, no unusual customer fraud using the leaked data has been recorded, and the bank clients won’t be liable for unauthorized transactions on their account, if they promptly alerted the bank. The largest bank in the United States by assets is cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the American secret service to find the hackers.

This hack, one of the largest ever, occurred after a series of massive data breaches at various American institutions – for example, on Target and Home Depot. The latter has recently confirmed that its payment systems were breached in an attack which affected 56 million payment cards. As for Target, the last year attack has impacted about 40 million payment cards, while compromising the personal details of almost 70 million customers.

Nevertheless, the industry observers point out that the JP Morgan hack is much more serious, because the bank holds far more sensitive data than retailers. A few months ago, media reports accused Russian hackers of hacking JP Morgan and stealing gigabytes of sensitive data.

Apparently, the hack started in June and went unnoticed until July, so the criminals managed to access the accounts of over 90 servers. The suggestions were that the hackers originally entered JP Morgan’s systems after hacking into the computer of one of the bank’s employees. JP Morgan’s stock fell 0.89% in after hours trading following the news.

Google Changes Its Search Algorithm to Fight Piracy Added: Monday, October

Google is going to introduce some changes in its search engine. They are supposed to make sure that some of the piracy services are less likely to appear in the results of searches for music, movies and other copyrighted material.
This is not the first time the search giant was going to change the way it targets piracy. Two years ago Google made the similar promise, which has since proved controversial. Entertainment industries were regularly claiming that Google did not follow through on that promise. Now the company says the results will be noticeable.
Google explained that it has now refined the signal in ways it expects to visibly affect the rankings of some of the illegal websites. However, the tech giant didn’t provide details on which websites were being demoted, or how it will affect their rankings. Apparently, the attribute showing how close to the top of its results a website appears when relevant keywords are searched.
In addition, the company claimed that it has been testing new ad formats which show links to legitimate digital music and video services when such keywords as “download”, “free” and “watch” are used; as well as removing terms from its autocomplete feature in the case when they “return results with many DMCA demoted websites”.
Google provided some statistics, saying that it had received just over 224 million takedown requests for search results last year, and the average time spent on dealing with them was less than 6 hours. The tech giant ultimately removed 222 million links, which means that only less than 1% was rejected or reinstated after review for various reasons: for example, because the company needed additional information, was unable to find the page, or came to a conclusion that the content was not infringing.
This was all about individual links to infringing content, but the latest change to Google’s search algorithm will focus on entire websites. The ones most likely to be affected are mentioned in Google’s online transparency report. The company ranked websites by the number of takedowns received: RapidGator, 4Shared and Dilandau were the most often mentioned last year – each of them accounted for over 7 million DMCA notices.
The BPI appeared the most active takedown-sender last year, submitting over 43 million notices to Google. The British anti-piracy outfit admitted that it would like to see other search engines, including Bing and Yahoo, follow the suit. The BPI is also pressing for Google to delist entirely websites that have been ruled against the law by the courts. They include portals blocked by British Internet service providers: The Pirate Bay, Kickass Torrents, H33T, Fenopy, and another 21 websites. However, Google may push back against this pressure from the British outfit, claiming that it would be inappropriate to remove entire websites instead of certain links.
Finally, the BPI demands Google to be faster at removing “pirate applications” from Android’s Google Play store.

Amazon Will Open Physical Store?

The online retailer is going to open its first physical store for Manhattan (perhaps temporarily) ahead of the holiday shopping season. According to the publication in the Wall Street Journal from a few days ago, the largest e-commerce retailer in the United States will set up a store in Manhattan for the holiday shopping season. The journal cited anonymous sources close to the company and familiar with the matter.


Amazon didn’t comment on the issue, so it remains unclear whether the store will be permanent or open just for a holiday. According to the article, the store could act as Amazon warehouse and a showcase for inventory.
It is known that the giant online retailer has never opened brick-and-mortar stores. However, the company has installed pick-up lockers in the largest cities. The company was seen investing huge money in the rapid fulfillment of orders. For example, Amazon added 6 new distribution centers and 15 sorting centers ahead of the holiday season. At the moment, company operates forty total distribution centers in the United States.
Despite the article in the Wall Street Journal, Seattle-based Amazon claimed that it has made no announcements about a new location in Manhattan.